Everyone loves their pets! I have been needle felting pet miniatures for ten years. While my art has come a long way, there is always room for improvement. I love that! Perfecting a skill and seeing your progress is a joy.
Left: Cat Mini 2011
Right: Cat Mini 2021
As you can see from the examples above, with my practice I strive for a more realistic style. Now my cats have toe beans and whiskers! Another difference – I very rarely accidentally stab myself with the needle nowadays! Needle felting win.
Additionally, when I first started needle felting, I didn’t know about core fiber! For the bulk/base of your project, use undyed wool and quit wasting your pretty colors. I love to buy big bags from family farms on Etsy.
Also, there are different needles for different purposes! Ones that have more barbs, so they felt quicker. Then, ones that have more delicate points so as not to leave large needle holes on the finished project.
Furthermore, I don’t just make miniatures to look like people’s pets! I used to mostly needle felt children’s first Christmas ornaments. Giraffes are my biggest seller by far. I also have made creations inspired by people’s drawings.
Above: Baby Ornaments 2014
Below: Sleeping Kitty 2018
In conclusion, I am by no means an expert, but I’ve had so much fun! Try new things! Not everything is a natural born talent. You can build your skills and create wonderful things. We are lucky to live in a world with YouTube and help forums.
What skill would you like to acquire??