Make this the best family game night ever!! Winning Moves Games is a leading maker of board games, card games and puzzles. As a result, the possibilities are endless!! Below are two of my favorite options for a fun time for the whole fam!

First up, Precious Cargo! Now here is a game that makes you think. Precious Cargo is a strategy based two player game. As a result, it is better suited for ages ten and up. You could play as two teams as well!

As a result, it may take a moment to figure out all the odds and ends. I found it helpful to watch videos on YouTube explaining game play a little more in depth. Once you get it though, it’s simple, fun and fast paced!

Additionally, the pieces are super cute and high quality! It takes a bit of set up the first time you play. You have to put the masts together and pop out the cardboard pieces. I love the little wooden ships!

Secondly, 13 Dead End Drive is a game of mystery, suspicion and foul play! It is recommended for ages eight and up. It is quite easy to figure out. This game is for two to four players. I have only played it with two, but I think with four it would be extra fun! Added suspicion haha!!

Also, this game requires a lot of set up. The first time you set up will probably take longer than playing through the game once. That being said, it is totally worth it!! This game is so much fun!! The 3D elements are awesome. Every time a character is hit by a booby trap, it is hilarious! 13 Dead End Drive is a quality game made with quality pieces. So not only does it look awesome, but it plays awesome too.

In conclusion, Winning Moves Games will take your family game night to the next level! They have so many options, there is truly something for everyone. My fiance loves strategy based games and I am obsessed with mysteries, so we had the best game night ever!!
Which game would you play??
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